Le 06/08/2017 à 07:30

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  • Durée : Circuit vtt 50 et 35 kms pour 5€ avec 3 ravito.
  • 1 vote. Moyenne 1 sur 5.


  • AaauceBix
    Segway Verona offers tours that make sure you will enjoy a fun and immerse experience of our beloved city. We combine Segway, our innovative way of transportation, with tours in the historical city centre. Through our explorations of 1 or 2 hours, we will bring you to the most breathtaking spots, so that, if you do not stay long in Verona, we make sure that you see all of the unmissable sights!

    Segway is really easy to use! It is so intuitive that it feels like an extension of the human body. To understand why, consider this: if you stand up and lean forward, so that you are out of balance, you will intuitively put your leg forward. Segway works the same way: to move forward or backward, the rider just leans slightly in such direction, and Segway will follow your movements. It is also easy to turn right or left, since the rider just has to push respectively Segway’s handlebar.

    Segway is safe. Anyone over the age of 12 can join our tours, except for pregnant women. Apart from these cathegories, we encorage people of every age to try Segway, because this self-balancing object can really make your experience in Verona much more delightful! In fact, if it is hot, you will enjoy some fresh air and avoid to sweat; if it is cold, you will have the possibility of staying outside the least possible time. It is proved that our 2 hours tours show you what you will see in 6 hours walking!

    All the tours start with a little training on how to use Segway, because for us safety is the priority. However, we experienced that it takes just a little practice to master on Segway! There are no required skills and, in particular, no need to be able to bicycle. There will always be a tour leader with you, guiding the whole group, so that you can enjoy the view and the tour of Verona. Audioguides (available in different languages) will provide the information you need to fully comprehend the history and architecture of our main monuments, squares and buildings.

    In particular, our 2 hours tour will show you: Piazza Bra, one of the biggest squares in Italy, with the Arena, the famous Roman amphitheatre; we will then take Via Oberdan in order to see Portoni Borsari, one of the ancient entrance of the Roman city; we will firstly explore Piazza Erbe and secondly Piazza Dei Signori, two squares full of symbols and buildings with enchanting beauty, and then see Arche Scaligere. Heading to the Duomo, Verona’s Cathedral, we will pass by Santa Anastasia, next to the Conservatory of music; after that, we will have a break on Ponte Pietra, the bridge with the breathtaking view of the Roman Theatre and San Pietro Castle (and much more). On our way back, we will stop at Juliet’s house, so that you don’t forget to take pictures and write your names on the walls! We will conclude our tour with Castelvecchio, the Scaligeri castle and enjoy its amazing view of Verona.

    People who went on tours with us really appreciate our flexibility: we do not have fixed tour’s hours, so we can arrange the time that fits the best. Moreover, we try to adjust the path according to your preferences, spending less time on spots you have already seen and dedicate more on your favourite sights. Read what people say about us on tripadvisor...

    So, if you want to make the most out of your time in Verona, contact us or stop by our office!

    OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Saturday (only closed on Sunday) from 10 am to 5 pm.

    DIRECTIONS: We are located in Piazza Cittadella 11b, very close to Piazza Bra, the main square with the Arena.

    From Piazza Bra you can arrive at our office on foot (3 minutes): pass under the arch of the gateway with the big clock (Portoni della Bra) and walk through Corso Porta Nuova for approximately 100
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